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Buying a lottery ticket daily is deterministic. Winning a lottery and getting a prize is Stochastic.

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Q: How would you explain to an idiot what 'Stochastic Processes' are?
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Because you should probably go on a more professional website you dumb idiot.

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Could you suggest some introductory books to stochastic calculus and derivative pricing?

A very simple introduction to stochastic calculus and to Black and Scholes' theory of option pricing is:Elementary Stochastic Calculus With Finance in View by Thomas MikoschIf you have a strong mathematical background and want a more sophisticated introduction, a very good choice would be:Stochastic Calculus and Financial Applications by J. Michael Steele

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You would be an idiot.

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That would be "what is wrong" alex

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no you idiot no you idiot No, you shoudn't for. One you can't, second they would look ugly.

What is the difference between 'stochastic' and 'deterministic'?

These words are used to describe ways of modeling or understanding the world. "Stochastic" means that some elements of the model or description are thought of as being random. (The word "Stochastic" is derived from an ancient Greek word for random.) A model or description that has no random factors, but conceivably could, is called "deterministic." For example, the equation Q = VC where Q = charge, V = voltage, and C = capacitance, is a deterministic physical model. One stochastic version of it would be Q = VC + e where e is a random variable introduced to account for or characterize the deviations between the actual charges and the values predicted by the deterministic model.