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Just divide 11 by 12 and you get a decimal. Put a percent sign behind the first two numbers (after it has been rounded) and take away the decimal point. There you go!

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Q: How would you figure out the percent of eleven over twelve?
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I would have to say eleven or twelve Hope this helps, Nix

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Actually, I think it would be oneteen and twoteen. Eleven and twelve come to us from Old High German through Old English, and the beginnings of the words are related to one and two. einlif (ein meaning one) is the Old High German for eleven, and zwelif (zwe for two, which became twa in Old Engish) for two.

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Age of babysitting in WisconsinI would say eleven or twelve, or like the other person said, they start taking classes at 11 finish somewhere around twelve, then start babysitting.

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80 percent would be an A and 38 percent you failed so the grade dont really matter