It depends on whether you want to find the percentage that 10 dollars represents of some other quantity, or the amount represented by a given percentage of 10 dollars.
If the estimated value is given, then calculating the numerical error from the percentage error, or the other way around, is a trivial exercise. If the estimated value is not known then it is impossible to tell which of the two is clearer.
it is a unit rate
The answer depends on what the percentage problem is. The equations will be different depending on whether you want to find:one number as a percentage of another,a given percentage of a number,the percentage change applied to a given number,find the original number if given the number after the percentage change.
There is not enough information given to answer this question. 0.4mg is what percentage of what quantity?
Elasticity is defined as the percentage change in quantity for a given percentage change in price. If price goes up by 1% and quantity goes down by 2%, less revenue is generated, since (1.01*P)* (0.98*Q) < P*Q.
you cannot. you need more info.
It depends on whether you want to find the percentage that 10 dollars represents of some other quantity, or the amount represented by a given percentage of 10 dollars.
decrease in the quantity of the other good that must be given up.
With great difficulty - if the given quantity is 2, for example.
quantity demanded
No, if chocolate is given to teachers they will not decrease the homework.
When quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded at a given price.
If the estimated value is given, then calculating the numerical error from the percentage error, or the other way around, is a trivial exercise. If the estimated value is not known then it is impossible to tell which of the two is clearer.
Supply is the quantity of a good or service that a producer is willing and able to supply onto the market at a given price in a given time period.Cost business aim to maximise profit and reduce cost.Therefore an increase in production cost will result in a shift along the supply curve because the firm might not be able to supply as much at the same price. Resulting in a decrease in quantity supplied
This is the concentration.