To find the greatest 3-digit number divisible by both 5 and 9, we need to find the highest common multiple of 5 and 9 within the range of 100 to 999. The highest common multiple of 5 and 9 is 45. To find the greatest 3-digit number divisible by 45, we divide 999 by 45, which equals 22 with a remainder. Therefore, the greatest 3-digit number divisible by both 5 and 9 is 45 x 22 = 990.
I would think the greatest 7 digit number would be 9,999,999. Therefore if you add 1 more, you would get 10,000,000. Makes sense to me anyway, lol.
That would be 99987.
In order to make the number as big as possible, you would want the greatest value digits in the greatest place value. Thus the first number would have to be 9. Once 9 has been used, the second number would have to be 8. Then the third number would have to be 7 and so on. Therefore, the greatest 9 digit number with 9 different digits is 987,654,321.
There is no greatest number. Given any number with the digit 3 in the ten thousand place, it is always possible to add a billion (for example). That would still leave the 3 in the ten thousand place but would be a greater number.
The greatest value two digit number in Roman numerals would be [MM] with a horizontal bar placed above it, which would represent the number 2 Billion. In generally used Roman numerals MM represents 2000.
6 times
The greatest value a digit can have in base for is 3. Thus the largest three-digit number in base for would be 333. In base 10, this number is 3x16 + 3x4 + 3 = 63 Therefore 63 is the largest digit that would be three digits in base 4.
998,949 If the tens place was any other number, it would either be smaller then 4 x 2 = 8, or it would equal more then 10 in the thousands place.
The lowest three digit odd number would have to be -999.However, if you mean the lowest three digit positive number, it would be 101.
-998 would have to be the lowest three digit even number. If you mean a positive number, it would be 100.
This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number
In order to make the smallest possible number with a set of digits, you want the least valued number in the greatest valued place. For 5 digits, you would want the least digit, 0, in the ten thousands place. You would then want the second least digit, 3, in the thousands place, and so on. For the digits 0,3,5,7,9 the smallest possible number would therefore be 03,579 or 3,579.
1 The largest five-digit number is 99999 and the smallest six-digit number is 100000, so the difference is one. If you're just looking for an answer to a homework question, that's all you need. For the brainy: Suppose the answer was greater than one. That would mean that there are one or more numbers between the largest five-digit number and the smallest six-digit number that cannot be written with either five or six digits. Either they would have to be written with four or fewer digits, which would make them smaller than any five-digit number, or with seven or more digits, which would make them larger than any six-digit number. If the answer was less than one, it would mean that it would be possible to have a five digit number that was greater than a six-digit one. So the answer must be one.
The greatest two-digit composite number would be 99, since 99 can be divided by 11, 9, and 3. I you look around this number, you will see why: 98 is also a composite number, but it is smaller than 99. 100 is also a composite number, but it has three digits. 97 has two digits, but it is a prime number. On the other hand, 99 divided by 11= 9, 99 divided by 9= 11, and 99 divided by 3=33.