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talk to them and keep eys contact

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Q: How would you help calm a fearful eight-month-old infant?
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Is 'deceptively calm' an oxymoron?

No, but deceptively honest or franticly calm, would be.

Why do peregrine falcons wear hoods?

Rufter is the traditional European falconry term for a trapping hood. The purpose of a hood is to calm the bird. These birds are so visually oriented that they are not fearful of what they cannot see.

How do you say 'Calm down' in Hawaiian?

In Hawaiian, you would say "hoʻomaluhia".

Is calm an adverb?

No, "calm" is not an adverb. It is an adjective that describes a state of peacefulness or serenity. Examples of adverbs that could be used with "calm" include "calmly" or "calmly."

What social factors that make feeding time more enjoyable for a infant?

Some social factors that can make feeding time more enjoyable for an infant include positive interactions with the caregiver, such as eye contact and talking in a soothing voice, creating a calm and quiet environment, and engaging in activities like singing or playing with the infant during feeding. These factors can help create a positive feeding experience for the infant and promote bonding between the caregiver and child.

Can you add a suffix word calm?

Certainly! Adding the suffix "-ness" to "calm" would result in the word "calmness," which refers to the state of being calm or peaceful.

Do you believe that i would the only woman in the world that i would stay calm when i would see Michael Jackson from close?

No, plenty of people (men and women) have met him and stayed calm.

How to you calm a spooked horse?

You would try to keep holding on to the reins, and try to pet it till it does calm down.

What is the antonym and synonym of ferocity?

The opposite of "ferocious" would be calm, tame, docile, or unexcited.

What will you do if your best friend fought you?

I would give them some time to calm down and then talk to them about it in a calm, reasonable manner.

Is calm down the opposite of attract?

No. The opposite of attract is to repel. To "calm down" (someone) would be the opposite of infuriate or excite.

How would you react if a conflict arose you and a customer?

Be calm,call manager or security if any and speak in a calm,relaxing voice.