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Q: How would you know if a linear equation has one solution?
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What is a solution of a linear equation called?

A solution of a linear equation is called a root or a solution. It is a value that satisfies the equation when substituted back into it.

How do you know if an equation is linear?

You know if an equation is linear if it is a straight line. You can also know if the equation is y = mx + b where there are no absolute values nor exponents.

How do you know is an equation is linear?

You know if an equation is linear if it is a straight line. You can also know if the equation is y = mx + b where there are no absolute values nor exponents.

Why do you isolate the variable on one side the the equation when solving a linear equation?

Isolating a single variable in terms of the rest of the equation provides a solution to that variable. That is, if you know the equation that equals the variable, then you can figure out its value.

Why Do you Study linear equations?

we study linear equation in other to know more about quadratic equation

What is the local solution of an ordinary differential equation?

The local solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is the solution you get at a specific point of the function involved in the differential equation. One can Taylor expand the function at this point, turning non-linear ODEs into linear ones, if needed, to find the behavior of the solution around that one specific point. Of course, a local solution tells you very little about the ODE's global solution, but sometimes you don't want to know that anyways.

What is the difference between a situation and a solution equation?

A situation equation follows the order of the story problem.For instance:Johnny has 8 apples, he eats some, and has 3 left.The situation equation would be: 8 - a = 3A solution equation is the equation that would help you find the solution. Your brain doesn't automatically know what "a" is, it has to rearrange the order of the equation and then solve.The solution equation would be: 8 - 3 = a, then you would solve it.

How are quadratic equation different from linear equation?

dun know :D

How would you know if the equation is liner by just looking at the equation?

No powers also, no x times y i.e. xy = 1 is not linear

How do you know if a value a is a solution to an equation?

If this value a satisfy the equation, then a is a solution for that equation. ( or we can say that for the value a the equation is true)

How do you know if an equation is equivalent?

An equation is equivalent to another equation, if they have the same solution.

How does the slope of a linear equation differ from the slope of a quadratic equation?

i dont know 8x+5y=89