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Q: How would you measure the volume from ice?
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To measure the volume of an ice cube a student first melts the ice then measures the volume of the liquid with a graduated cylinder is this procedure accurate?

No, this procedure is not accurate for measuring the volume of the ice cube. When the ice melts, it will take up less space than when it was in solid form, leading to an incorrect volume measurement. It is better to measure the volume of the ice cube directly using a ruler or a caliper.

What is the volume of an ice cube at standard temperature pressure?

You would measure it by mililiters.

How you have to measure ice cream?

Ice cream is measured by litres in bulk, or grams by serving

How do you measure the volume and mass of a block of ice?

To measure the volume of a block of ice, you can submerge it in water and measure the displacement of water. The mass of the ice block can be measured using a scale.

What should be used to measure the volume of an ice cream cone?

You could measure volume in cubic centimeters.

Explain why an ice cream factory measure with volume?

Volume is used for ice cream as a measure. For example, you can buy a quart or gallon or pint (all units of measure of volume) carton of ice cream. This use of volume measure is better than using other forms, such as weight, for a measure. Weight, for example, is not as good. Different ingredients will weight more or less than others, while volume is set and standard, regarless of the type of ice cream.

What tools could you use to measure the mass and volume of a block of ice?

To measure the mass of a block of ice, you could use a digital scale or a mechanical balance. To measure the volume of the block of ice, you could use a graduated cylinder and the water displacement method.

What is the unit used to measure the volume of an ice cube?

cubic centimeter

What would you use to measure density?

You would use a balance to measure the mass of an object and a ruler or calipers to measure its volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.

What would you measure volume with?

My penis

Which would you measure by using milliliters?

you measure liquid or volume.

What would you do to determine the volume of a rock?

You would determine the volume of water it displaces and measure it.