5.864 in word form is: five and eight hundred sixty-four thousandths.
To write in word form all you do is write the numbers in words. Like the number 543 all you would do is put down on your paper or whatever five hundred forty-three. hope that helps.
Answer:A compound word. Answer:It is both. Rail and road are two different words that were put together to form one word. A compound word is when two words are put together to form a one word.
Nine hundred twelve.
thirteen and eight tenths
the answer is a number. if you put it in expanded form then it would be : 500,000 + 20 = 500,020 if you want to put it in word form the it would be: five hundred and twenty thousand
9005 would be nine thousand and five.
28.17857 in word form is: twenty-eight and seventeen thousand eight hundred fifty-seven hundred-thousandths.
One million, three hundred five thousand.
50.6003 = fifty and six thousand three ten-thousandths.
It's 1 millionth place away from the decimal -hav
The word "next" can be put in front of "step" to form the phrase "next step."
Most likely, you would put it in the form of a question: Example: How do you CONTRIBUTE to your community's wellfare? Otherwise, you have to add a suffix to it if the sentence is not a question.
5.864 in word form is: five and eight hundred sixty-four thousandths.
four tenths
Three tenths.