6307200 = Six million, three hundred and seven thousand, two hundred.
6307200 to the nearest hundred thousand is 6300000
At a temperature of -40 (minus forty) degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales read the same number.
-40o C
You would round the number UP - to read 39.9910 (or 39.991)
negative 40 degrees
6307200 to the nearest hundred thousand is 6300000
It would take 9 hours to read 72 pages. You can calculate this by dividing the total number of pages to be read (72) by the number of pages read in one hour (8).
At a temperature of -40 (minus forty) degrees, the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales read the same number.
That number, which we could also write as 38,200,000,000 would be read as thirty eight billion, two hundred million.
That is normally punctuated 1,000,000,000,000,000 and would be read as a quadrillion. ■
-40o C
You would round the number up - to read 204.9
You would round the number up - to read 7.040
two hundred forty-one thousandths
You would round the number UP - to read 39.9910 (or 39.991)
negative 40 degrees
-40c (apex)