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Q: How would you round 28216 down to the preceding hundred?
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It would be 20,000 rounded to the nearest hundred and not 19,900

How do you round down to the preceding thousand?

I believe that rounding down to the proceding thousand would be to round down. Take 8765 for example. To round that down to the proceding thousand would mean you would make that into 8000. That's how I would do it. Math Rules!

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500. The nearest hundred would be either 500 or 600 hundred and because it's less than 550 you round down. If it was 550 you would round up to 600.

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To the nearest hundred, 200

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Rounded to the nearest hundred would make it 2,500.

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You can, 9.0625 rounded to the nearest hundred would be 0.

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It would round up to 600,000.

How do you round 5465 to the nearest hundred?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, go to the tens column. If it is a 5 or over, round up to the next hundred. If it is a 4 or lower, round down.So in 5465, the tens column has a 6. Therefore you round up to 5500.If you wanted to round 5443 to the nearest hundred, you would round down to 5400 because there is a 4 in the tens column.