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Q: How would you solve the problems of people dropping litter?
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What problems does the Citizen Advice Service help people resolve?

Citizen Advice Service helps people solve a variety of problems. For example, they help people solve problems for money, legal and consumer problems by giving them advice.

What problems did nellie bly try to solve?

She tried to solve what people thought of women

How does people killing people solve the world's problems?

It doesn't. Killing people is just a form of trying to solve predicaments between to different groups of people. By killing, you do nothing but make more problems.

How do you solve the problem of the dashboard gauges on your Ford 500 repeatedly dropping to zero when driving?

Get a copy of TSB 06-17-09. It addresses all of your problems.

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Wow does frogs solves or cause problems for people?

frogs both solve and cause problems.

The difference between government and politics?

The Politics is subject that analyze how to lead the community , how to plan to solve the people`s problems - how to manage the foreign relations With other countries - politics plan to solve the public problems . While The Government is Some People Who Lead The Community And They work & plan to solve the people`s problems .

What does a judge in court do?

Judgessolve problems that people can't solve on their own.

What do people do if they cannot solve their problems?

Sometimes it is difficult to solve our problems. If they become too big, or hard to manage some people turn to drugs, or become very depressed. The better solution is to seek out help from someone who understands about problems and get their help.

Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is most likely to reduce people's ability to?

Damage to the left cerebral hemisphere is likely to reduce a person's ability to understand and produce language, as well as impair their ability to perform sequential tasks (like reading and writing). Additionally, it may impact their precise movement control on the right side of the body.

Why did Bill Gates invent window Vista?

BECAUSE he wanted to be more popular among people and to do so he has to solve their problems. and to solve their problems he invent a new and better version.

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novel problems