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Nowadays we would convert 1999 and 2014 into Roman numerals as MCMXCIX and MMXIV respectively which makes arithmetical interaction between them rather difficult to say the least but it's quite possible that the ancient Romans could have subtracted the equivalent of these numbers in either of the following formats:-

A: IMMXV-IMM = XV => (2015-1)-(2000-1) = 15


Note that MMXIIII is equivalent to MDCCCCLXXXXXVVIIII and that the ancient Romans would have used an abacus calculating device for more difficult calculations.


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Q: How would you subtract 1999 from 2014 in two different ways entirely in Roman numerals in step by step stages?
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What is the sum of 1000 13 90 900 and 9 when added together in step by step stages using only Roman numerals?

It is as follows:- M+XIII = MXIII (1000+13 = 1013) MXIII+XC = MCIII (1013+90 = 1103) MCIII+CM = MMIII (1103+900 = 2003) MMIII+IX = MMXII (2003+9 = 2012) Therefore the sum of the above using Roman numerals is MMXII (2012)

The graph comparing the income a consumer makes?

The answer depends on what is being compared: the income of the same consumer at different stages of their life or the income of a consumer compared with other consumer.

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Different people mature at different rates, and some of the transitions from one stage to the next are far more subtle than others, like adolescence to adulthood for example.

How would you add up the five numbers of 419 499 49 514 and 519 using Roman numerals in incremental stages?

During the Roman era the above numbers were probably wrote out in a simplified format as ICDXX, ID, IL, IDXV and IDXX respectively which makes addition in increments straightforward as follows:-ICDXX+ID = IICMXX (918)IICMXX+IL = LMXVII (967)LMXVII+IDXV = XXMDI (1481)XXMDI+IDXX = MM (2000)Additional Information:-The above calculations are correct when adding up Roman numerals in their simplified format because if they were added up in their expanded format then the final result would still be the same.Viz: MCCCCLXXXI+DXVIIII = MMExamples of the simplification of Roman numerals can be found in David Eugene Smith's reference book 'History of Mathematics' volume 2 first published in 1925 and ISBN 0486 204 308.Today we write and work out Roman numerals differently in the way that the Romans actually did themselves because the real rules governing the Roman numeral system were changed during the Middle Ages presumably to make it easier to convert Roman numerals into Hindu-Arabic numerals and vice versa.

What are the stages of an acute injury?

he Stages for acute injury is the RICE treatment or in more recent times the POLICE treatment

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