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To illustrate that a solid object need not have a distinct inside and outside. This has important implications for topology.

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Q: How would you use a klein bottle in math?
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You would typically use milliliters (ml) to measure the capacity of a bottle of nail polish. The capacity is usually indicated on the bottle label.

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to measure the capacity of a baby bottle you would use grams your welcome

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Someone would use mute math if they were trying to teach a deaf person how to do math, or even a blind person as well because they cant see the paper in front of them.

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What would you measure a math book with?

Use a ruler.

What would use to measure the volume of shampoo in a bottle?


What would you use to measure the capacity of a bottle?

I think a plate

How would you use math at a baseball game?

Personally, I would bring a few math problems with me, so that if I had to stay there very long, I would have something interesting to do.

What unit provides the best measure of the amount of space is contained in a plastic bottle?

Well that would depend on the size of the plastic bottle. If the bottle is large use litters or "L" for short. If the bottle is small use milliliters or "ml" for short.