Converting a percent to its decimal equivalent is accomplished by dividing by 100 (the same as moving the decimal two places to the left): 0.1 ÷ 100 = 0.001
.18 is the decimal of 18%. A percent = .01 or one one hundreth.
When changing a percent to a decimal, you move the decimal point at the end of your percent back two spots. When changing a decimal to a percent, you move the decimal point on your decimal over two places to receive your percent. When a decimal is repeating, you still treat it like a regular decimal. You move the decimal point over two places, then on the first repeating number, put a bar over it. For example: .033333333333… changes to this percent: 3.3%. For a terminating decimal, you could round up to the one's place, stop the decimal at some point, or continue the decimal all the way through. For example, if you have the decimal .768021, you could choose to use 77% or 76.8021%. You could even choose to use 76.8%. When you have a decimal with a whole number in it, such as 9.346, that would conclude in a percent greater than 100%. That decimal would actually equal 934.6%! When you have a percent greater than 100, that means you have more than one whole. When you change a percent to a decimal, it is basically the same concept. For example, if you have 67%, you would just move the decimal point back two places. The decimal would be .67. If you have a more complicated percent, such as 67.83859%, you still move the decimal back two places and your answer would be .6783859.
One percent = .01. So 20% = .2 To get the answer multiply the percentage, expressed as a decimal (.2) by the $913 which = $182.60
1 percent (1%) = .01 in decimal format
As a decimal, one percent is .01.
You make 1 percent to a decimal which is .01(You make it into a decimal by dividing 1 by 100) then you make 1/2 percent into a decimal which is 0.5. Then you multiply .01 and .5 and it equals 0.005.
.18 is the decimal of 18%. A percent = .01 or one one hundreth.
take the percent and multiply by .01 so 16% is 0.16
One half of a percent as a decimal is expressed as .005 Percent is out of 100 or 1 in most cases. 99 cents equal 1 dollar, so one HALF of ONE percent is .005 because one out of 100 = .01 so half of that would be .005 because .005 + .005 = .01
i penny is 1 out of 100 cents, therefore it is .01
One percent = .01; so 30 percent = 30 X .01 = .3. 6000 X .3 = 180. To find the percentage you always convert the percent number to a decimal and multiply it by the number.