eighty-three thousandths
83/100 (83 is a prime number and therefore cannot be reduced further)
4.7556 degrees
2/24 is 1/12th day as a decimal this is .083 where the 3 is repeating.
eighty-three thousandths
0.83%% = 0.0083% = 0.000 083
Eighty three thousandths is written .083 in decimal form.
83/100 (83 is a prime number and therefore cannot be reduced further)
4.7556 degrees
2/24 is 1/12th day as a decimal this is .083 where the 3 is repeating.
The telephone operator that uses the code 083 will most likely be located in the Republic of Ireland. The code 083 is used in Ireland and many other surrounding areas.
To convert the decimal .083 to an inch fraction, first recognize that .083 is equal to 83/100. To simplify this fraction, divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor, which is 17. This gives you 83/100 = 5/6 in inch fraction form.
0.83 = 83%
1 083