To write 5 lakh on a check, you would write "Five Lakh" followed by the word "Only" to indicate the amount in words. In the numerical box on the check, you would write "500,000" to represent 5 lakh in numerical form. It is important to write the amount clearly and accurately to avoid any confusion or errors when the check is processed.
There are two ways to write 2,387.45 on a cheque.In Britain you would write 'two thousand three hundred and eighty seven pounds 45p' on a cheque.In the US you would write 'two thousand three hundred eighty seven dollars 45c' on a check.
I think it would be .4160 but you will have to double check!
To write this amount on a check would be: Two hundred forty-nine thousand, nine hundred and 00/100 dollarsThe decimal form is $249,900.00
This is how you would write $50.71 on a check. Fifty dollars and 71/100.
To write 5 lakh on a check, you would write "Five Lakh" followed by the word "Only" to indicate the amount in words. In the numerical box on the check, you would write "500,000" to represent 5 lakh in numerical form. It is important to write the amount clearly and accurately to avoid any confusion or errors when the check is processed.
To write fifteen thousand pesos in a check, you would start by writing the numerical amount "15,000" in the box provided on the right-hand side of the check. Then, on the line below the recipient's name, you would write out the amount in words as "Fifteen thousand pesos." Finally, you would sign your name on the bottom right corner of the check to authorize the payment.
Same as you would for an adult or store.
This is 89 cents and would be written on a check as: 89/100 dollars
One way would be to write forty-three thousand and no/100 dollars
There are two ways to write 2,387.45 on a cheque.In Britain you would write 'two thousand three hundred and eighty seven pounds 45p' on a cheque.In the US you would write 'two thousand three hundred eighty seven dollars 45c' on a check.
On a check, you would write one thousand and seventy dollars. Another form is $1,070.
You would write "Three hundred eighty two dollars and 86/100 cents".
Yes. A deposit is a credit and a withdrawal (check, debit card, etc.) is a debit. For example, you open a checking account with $500: Opening Balance $500 this is a credit (+) You write a check for $25 this is a debit (-) You write a check for $82 this is a debit (-) You make a deposit of $250 this is a credit (+) You write a check for $28 this is a debit (-) Your balance is $615 If you were to write a check for more than your balance of $615, then you would have a negative (-) balance.
To write 150000 on a bank check, you would start by writing "One hundred fifty thousand" on the line that ends with "dollars." Then, you would write "150,000.00" after the dollar sign in the box provided on the check. Make sure to sign the check in the bottom right corner to authorize the payment.