825 as a Roman numeral is DCCCXXV meaning 800+20+5 = 825
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : numeral number of 20 is : XX
Roman numeral for March 20th, 2009 would be: III/XX/MMIX.
40 minus 20 = 20 and its equivalent as a Roman numeral is XX
roman numeral for march 20 1999 is as follows . 03-20-1999 is written as . IIi=XX-MCMXCIX.
825 as a Roman numeral is DCCCXXV meaning 800+20+5 = 825
20 + 2 XX + II XXII
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : numeral number of 20 is : XX
Roman numeral for March 20th, 2009 would be: III/XX/MMIX.
170 as Romannumeral is written as CLXX. C=100 L=50 XX=20
40 minus 20 = 20 and its equivalent as a Roman numeral is XX
1,000 + 200 + 50 + 20 + 2 M + CC + L + XX + II MCCLXXII
roman numeral for march 20 1999 is as follows . 03-20-1999 is written as . IIi=XX-MCMXCIX.
XXIV 2 X's = 20 plus the IV = 4
XXLII is not a Roman numeral as it does not conforms to the rules of writing numerals. If it were a numeral you might suppose that it would represent... (20 less than 50) + 2 which is of course 32 but the correct Roman numeral for 32 is XXXII