129 over 1000 written as a fraction is 129/1000. It is already in lowest terms.
61 over 1000
Well, honey, to write 0.074 as a fraction, you put 74 over 1000 and simplify it to 37 over 500. Voilà!
0.411 as a fraction would be 411 over 1000.
129 over 1000 written as a fraction is 129/1000. It is already in lowest terms.
61 over 1000
210 over 1000 which equals 21 over 100
Well, honey, to write 0.074 as a fraction, you put 74 over 1000 and simplify it to 37 over 500. Voilà!
0.411 as a fraction would be 411 over 1000.
107/1000 is a fraction that is already in its simplest form
As 0.657 is said as six hundred and fifty seven thousandths then you write it as 657 over 1000 or 657/1000
375/1000 in lowest terms is 3/8