If 2340 is a whole number then just add a decimal point and a zero -- 2340.0
All of them. If you divide 2340 by any of the numbers and get a whole number, then each is a factor of 2340.
780, 1560, 2340 and so on.
For any larger number for which you have to test divisibility, split this factor up into smaller numbers. For example, you know that 2340 is divisible by 90 because you can divide it by 10 (2340 / 10 = 234), and then you can divide 234 by 9 (234 / 9 = 26).
35% of 2340 = 820.75
To determine how many times larger 2340 is than 23.4, you divide 2340 by 23.4. This calculation results in 100, indicating that 2340 is 100 times larger than 23.4. In other words, 2340 is 99 times larger than 23.4.
2340 miles=3,765.86496 kilometers
Yes because 4*585 = 2340
The phone number of the Scotland Community Library is: 605-583-2340.