Not sure how you might wright it but you would write it as 14.3
4 and three tenths as a decimal = 4.3
it would look like this 2.3
12 and three tenths = 12 + 3/10 = 12 + (3 ÷ 10) = 12 + 0.3 = 12.3
the correct way to have 3 tens in decimal would be 30.0. Unless you meant 3 tenths, then it would be 0.3.
Not sure how you might wright it but you would write it as 14.3
4 and three tenths as a decimal = 4.3
I would say .3333333333...
it would look like this 2.3
Three tenths (3/10) as a percentage is written as 30%. In decimal form it would be written as ".3".
12 and three tenths = 12 + 3/10 = 12 + (3 ÷ 10) = 12 + 0.3 = 12.3
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 1 3/10 is equal to 1.3.
the correct way to have 3 tens in decimal would be 30.0. Unless you meant 3 tenths, then it would be 0.3.
300% in decimal form is 3.0. Which would be pronounced as: Three and zero tenths.
42 and seven tenths = 42.7 in decimal