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Q: How would you write the words but in the mathematical phrase 2 times a quantity 3 plus p?
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What is the opposite of expression?

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3 mathematical words that could replace the word multiply?

Times, x, and multiply

In the phrase The New York Times which words should be in italics?

The New York Times

Can you write this expression in words 3 (4 times 12)?

Three times the quantity of four times twelve

What is other mathematical words for multiply?

Other words meaning the same as multiply are times and the product of. e.g. 3 times 3 equals 9, and the product of 4 and 2 is eight.

What is 95 6?

You need to use words for the mathematical function. Something like "divided by" or "times" or whatever you need to do with the numbers.

How many times are the words 'much more' used together in the bible?

44 times in the Authorised version, of which the phrase 'much the more' occurs 5 times

How many times are the words 'thou will' mentioned in the King James Bible?

They aren't. The phrase - thou will - is ungrammatical and is more properly written as - thou wilt - or - thou shalt. The word - thou - appears 5,474 times in the KJV. The phrase - thou shalt - appears 109 times The phrase - thou wilt - appears 1,250 times

The expression a equals 3b2 plus 2 can be written in words as the quantity a is equal to?

The expression 3b2 would normally be simplified to 6b. I am not sure why you wrote it the way you did. * * * * * I expect it is meant to be three times b squared. The browser for posting questions has severe limitations as far as mathematical questions are concerned. Back to the question: a is two more than three times a number (b) multiplied by itself.

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That phrase does not appear anywhere in KJV or NIV bibles.

How many times is the phrase not alone used in the bible?

The exact phrase "not alone" is used 4 times throughout the Bible. Joshua 22:20; John 8:16; John 16:32 and Acts 19:26. The words "not" and "alone" appear within the same verses of scripture 34 times, the individual words "not" and "alone" appear some 5858 times.

Any mathematical B words?
