Thirty-four and eighty-seven hundredths
The decimal number 37.24 can be written or spoken as "thirty-seven and twenty-four hundredths." As US currency, it would be "thirty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents."
You would write it as "16.34."
One hundred six and seven hundredths in decimal form would be 106.07.
30.2030.20 - It would be more proper to say thirty and 2 tenths.
Thirty-four and eighty-seven hundredths
The decimal number 37.24 can be written or spoken as "thirty-seven and twenty-four hundredths." As US currency, it would be "thirty-seven dollars and twenty-four cents."
Seventeen and thirty-five hundredths is 17.35
You would write it as "16.34."
One hundred six and seven hundredths in decimal form would be 106.07.
To write 30.50 in word form, you would write "thirty and fifty hundredths." The number 30 represents thirty whole units, the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal part, and the number 50 represents fifty hundredths. So, when combined, it reads as "thirty and fifty hundredths."
To write 34.67 in words, you would say "thirty-four point sixty-seven." In this representation, the whole number 34 is spelled out as "thirty-four," and the decimal point is read as "point." The decimal portion, 0.67, is read as "sixty-seven" because it is less than one.
30.2030.20 - It would be more proper to say thirty and 2 tenths.
You already have written it as a decimal. The word form would be seventeen and thirty-one hundredths.
To write "eighteen and ninety-seven hundredths" in decimal form, you would add the whole number (18) to the decimal equivalent of the fractional part (97 hundredths). To convert the fraction to decimal, you divide 97 by 100, which equals 0.97. Therefore, "eighteen and ninety-seven hundredths" in decimal form is 18.97.