90 = ninety
The numeral 90 is spelled as nine-zero.
The monetary numeral $90 is spelled "ninety dollars".
Assuming a 90 year spell includes 22 leap years, the number of days is equal to (68 x 365) + (22 x 366) = 24820 + 8052 = 32872 days.If the 90 year spell includes 23 leap years, the number of days is equal to (67 x 365) + (23 x 366) = 24455 + 8418 = 32873 days.
Eighty Ninety One hundred One thousand One million
yo spell it hitkasuma
(yo) soy, (yo) estoy
You spell it ابني
it means yo
"I" in Spanish is "yo." Yo soy artistico: I am artistic.
90 = ninety
well if you need to find something you lost, you can try the Summoning spell. all you say is: Accio. and then you say the name of the thing you lost. say you lost a yo-yo. then you would say: Accio Yo-yo. and then your yo-yo would come flying toward you. if, of course, you were a witch or wizard.
Yo voy a estar allí
the thing where the string comes from is the o and use the string to make the y
90 = ninety.
Yo soy su primo.
The numeral 90 is spelled as nine-zero.