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well dependent is when you are are NOT independent so in your daily life you could just have S.E.X and then that is how you become non independent

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Q: How you can apply dependent and independent variable in your daily life give some examples?
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What is an independent verible?

In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter in order to observe and measure how it affects the dependent variable. For example, an experiment in which the experimenter wants to observe and measure the effect of force on the acceleration of an object, force would be the independent variable and acceleration would be the dependent variable. The experimenter would apply different amounts of force to an object, and then observe and record the object's acceleration with each amount of force. On a graph, the independent variable would be on the x-axis, and the dependent variable would be on the y-axis.

What is the definition of an independent and dependent variable for science?

An Independent variable, or IV, is the thing you change. The dependent variable, or DV is the thing that changes because of the IV.The Independent Variable is the Variable that is purposely changed, it is the one manipulated. and the Dependent Variable is the Variable that reacts to the changes due to the independent Variable.For Example:in a study where you will find out which age of Compost will be more effective on Tomato plants. you have Compost A (5 months old Compost), Compost B (1 year old Compost), and Compost C (1 and a half year old Compost). you will apply these compost on Flat A, and Flat B (both Flats containing the same amount of Tomatoes and same type of soil). Flat C will be your control variable.Your Independent Variable is the Age of CompostAnd Your Dependent Variable is the Growth (Color, Size, Weight) of the Tomato basically your independent variable causes change in the dependent variable.

How can you identify Direct variation using a table?

The values for the dependent variables must all be equal to the corresponding values of the independent variable, multiplied by the SAME constant. For example, if in the first row of the table, the dependent variable is 7.8 times the independent variable, the same factor must also apply in the other rows. Minor variations are acceptable; among other things, due to measurement errors.

What is the difference between independent and dependent variables in ABAQUS?

Dependent part instancesBy default, Abaqus/CAE creates a dependent instance of a part. A dependent instance is only a pointer to the original part. In effect, a dependent instance shares the geometry and the mesh of the original part. As a result, you can mesh the original part, but you cannot mesh a dependent instance. When you mesh the original part, Abaqus/CAE applies the same mesh to all dependent instances of the part. Most modifications are not allowed on a dependent part instance; for example, you cannot add partitions or create virtual topology. However, operations that do not modify the geometry of a dependent part instance are still allowed; for example, you can create sets, apply loads and boundary conditions, and define connector section assignments. If you have already meshed a part or added virtual topology to the part, you can create only a dependent instance of the part.If you apply an adaptive remeshing rule to a dependent part instance in the Mesh module, Abaqus/CAE remeshes the original part and applies the new mesh to each dependent instance of the part.You cannot change the mesh attributes of an individual dependent part instance; for example, the mesh seeds, mesh controls, element types, and the mesh itself. However, you can change the mesh attributes of the original part, and Abaqus/CAE propagates the changes to all dependent instances of the part. Although you have already meshed the original part and applied the same mesh to its dependent instances, the mesh is visible only in the Mesh module. You continue to work with the native Abaqus/CAE geometry in the Assembly, Interaction, and Load modules.The advantages of dependent part instances are that they consume fewer memory resources and you need mesh the part only once. In addition, Abaqus/CAE instances a dependent part instance in the input file by writing a single set of nodal coordinates and element connectivity to define the part along with a transform to define each part instance.Independent part instancesIn contrast, an independent part instance is a copy of the geometry of the original part. You cannot mesh a part from which you created an independent part instance; however, you can mesh the independent instance. In addition to meshing, you can perform most other operations on an independent instance; for example, you can add partitions and create virtual topology. The disadvantages of independent instances are that they consume more memory resources, and you must mesh each independent instance individually. In addition, Abaqus/CAE does not take advantage of instantiation in the input file with independent part instances-sets of nodal coordinates and element connectivity are written to the input file for each independent part instance.

Does law of variable proportion apply only in agriculture?

No. It also applies to mathematics in general.

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What is an independent verible?

In an experiment, the independent variable is the variable that is manipulated by the experimenter in order to observe and measure how it affects the dependent variable. For example, an experiment in which the experimenter wants to observe and measure the effect of force on the acceleration of an object, force would be the independent variable and acceleration would be the dependent variable. The experimenter would apply different amounts of force to an object, and then observe and record the object's acceleration with each amount of force. On a graph, the independent variable would be on the x-axis, and the dependent variable would be on the y-axis.

What is the dependent and independent variable of shooting a slingshot?

The independent variable is the amount of force you apply to the sling shot when you pull it back and then release, because no other variables have any effect on it. The dependent variable is the distance the projectile travels, because the amount of force you apply to the slingshot determines how far the projectile flies through the air before it hits the ground. The more force you apply to the sling shot, the farther the projectile goes.

What is the definition of an independent and dependent variable for science?

An Independent variable, or IV, is the thing you change. The dependent variable, or DV is the thing that changes because of the IV.The Independent Variable is the Variable that is purposely changed, it is the one manipulated. and the Dependent Variable is the Variable that reacts to the changes due to the independent Variable.For Example:in a study where you will find out which age of Compost will be more effective on Tomato plants. you have Compost A (5 months old Compost), Compost B (1 year old Compost), and Compost C (1 and a half year old Compost). you will apply these compost on Flat A, and Flat B (both Flats containing the same amount of Tomatoes and same type of soil). Flat C will be your control variable.Your Independent Variable is the Age of CompostAnd Your Dependent Variable is the Growth (Color, Size, Weight) of the Tomato basically your independent variable causes change in the dependent variable.

How can you identify Direct variation using a table?

The values for the dependent variables must all be equal to the corresponding values of the independent variable, multiplied by the SAME constant. For example, if in the first row of the table, the dependent variable is 7.8 times the independent variable, the same factor must also apply in the other rows. Minor variations are acceptable; among other things, due to measurement errors.

What is mean by compounding variable?

I think there is confusion between the terms "compounding variable" and "confounding variable". My way of looking at it is that compounding variables describe elements of mathematical functions, only. Confounding variables apply to any research in any domain and are external variables to the research design which might impact on the dependent variable to a lesser or greater extent than the independent variable, which are part of the research design. I am Peter Davies at

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control variable is the intensity of light dependent variable is thr area for light and find rest by pastpapers but apply questions to the thing u douing

Is sandpaper a dependent variable?

I really can not answer this question. Variables represent outcomes, properties, qualities or events. A good example of a dependent variable related to sandpaper is the amount of wood is removes. Now, this variable will depend on many factors. Can you think of some? a) The amount of time that you sand b) The roughness of the sandpaper c) The size of the piece of wood you are sanding d) The hardness of the wood you are sanding e) The pressure that you apply when you are sanding I can come up with many more independent variables if I include sanding by hand or using a machine.

Apply as an Independent?

Some students will find that it is in their best interest to apply as an independent on the federal pell grant application. If a student applies as a dependent, then a school may automatically reject his or her application for the high income of a set of parents. Independent students usually have a low income and can qualify for pell grants.

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Function notation is important because it helps to clearly communicate how a function operates by providing a compact and standardized way to represent mathematical relationships. It allows us to define, manipulate, and analyze functions more efficiently, enabling us to work with complex mathematical concepts in a concise and organized manner. Additionally, function notation aids in describing the input and output of a function, making it easier to understand and apply in various mathematical contexts.

Do you have to apply for FAFSA through your parents?

Whether or not you have to provide your parents' information on your FAFSA depends on your dependency status. If you are a dependent student, you will need to provide their information. If you are an independent student, you will not need to provide their information. You can use the Student Aid Dependency Status link below to determine if you are a dependent or independent student for financial aid purposes.

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Can working permit dependent apply for uk ni number?

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