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An equation to be graphed must be written (or must be entered in a graphing calculator) in the form y = ..., that is, y must be expressed as a function of x.

After a graph is displayed in your graphing calculator, you can use the calculator's TRACE feature to find the x-intercept(s) (a point that the graph intersects the x-axis where y = 0).

Move the TRACE cursor to a point just below the x-axis and press ENTER, MOVE the TRACE cursor to a point just above the x-axis and press ENTER, press ENTER again. In this way you can find the x-intercept(s).

Thus, each x-intercept of the function is a real solution of the equation to any desired degree of accuracy.

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Q: How you can solve equations with graphing?
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This looks like a question from a Virtual School course - please ask you teacher for help and use the examples in the lesson.

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A graph can help you understand equations better its a little way of getting used to a a problem. I used a multiplication graph when i was 10 it helped me memorize the problem.

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-- Graph each equation individually. -- Examine the graph to find points where the individual graphs intersect. -- The points where the individual graphs intersect are the solutions of the system of equations.

How do you solve equations on a TI-83 graphing calculator?

2nd [CATALOG], solve( , enter equation, variable and guess after the bracket, close brackets with " ) ". You can also put lower and upper bounds after the guess.