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Q: How you can solve the program of temperature in Celsius and convert it into farennite?
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Program to convert given temperature from centigrade to Fahrenheit in pearl?

Here's a simple Perl program to convert a given temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit: # Input temperature in Celsius my $celsius = 20; # Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit my $fahrenheit = ($celsius * 9/5) + 32; # Print the result print "$celsius degrees Celsius is equal to $fahrenheit degrees Fahrenheit\n"; You can replace the value of $celsius with any temperature you want to convert.

Write a program to convert temperature degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit?

Sure, here is a simple Python program to convert temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit: celsius = float(input("Enter temperature in Celsius: ")) fahrenheit = (celsius * 9/5) + 32 print("Temperature in Fahrenheit: ", fahrenheit)

Program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to celsius?

subtract 40, multiply by 9/5, then add 40

How do you convert degrees with celsius?

I use a little PC program for the temperature conversion. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of Temperature Units".

Write a QBASIC program to convert a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius or vice versa depending on input?

CLS INPUT "Enter degrees in Celsius:";c INPUT "Enter degrees in Fahrenheit:";f a=(c*1.8)+32 b=5/9(f-32) PRINT c;"degree Celsius=" a;"degree Fahrenheit" PRINT f;"degree Fahrenheit=" b;"degree Celsius" end

What is the flowchart and algorithm of a program that will convert an inputted number in Fahrenheit to its equivalent measure in Celsius?

burat na flow chart

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No you cannot. An .exe is an executable (a program)a .jpeg is an image (picture)You cannot convert a program into a picture just as you cannot rabbit a good into a temperature; they exist in different contexts.

Write C program for Accept temperature in degree Celsius and display the same in Fahrenheit?

Here is a simple C program that accepts temperature in degrees Celsius from the user and then converts and displays the equivalent temperature in Fahrenheit: #include <stdio.h> int main() { float celsius, fahrenheit; printf("Enter temperature in Celsius: "); scanf("%f", &celsius); fahrenheit = (celsius * 9/5) + 32; printf("Temperature in Fahrenheit: %.2f\n", fahrenheit); return 0; } You can compile and run this program to get the desired output.

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Codes in COBOL?

Identification division. Program-id. Environment division. Data division. Working-storage section. 77 f pic 9(3). 77 c pic 9(3)v99. 77 p pic z(3).z(2). Procedure division. Main-para. Display " enter fahrenheit temperature ". Accept f. Compute c rounded = ( f - 32 ) * 5 / 9. Move c to p. Display " temperature in degree celsius " p. Stop run.

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How do you write a program in C to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius?

Code Example:/********************************************************************************* MODULE: main.c******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Program that takes a temperature from the user on the command line, then* displays that temperature as celsius converted to Fahrenheit, and* as Fahrenheit converted to celsius.********************************************************************************/#include #define iARGS_REQUIRED 2#define iARG_EXE 0#define iARG_INPUT 1static floatfCelsiusToFahrenheit( float fCelsius );static floatfFahrenheitToCelsius( float fFahrenheit );/********************************************************************************* MAIN********************************************************************************/intmain( int iArgc, char *acpArgv[] ){ float fFahrenheit = 0.0; float fCelsius = 0.0; float fInput = 0.0; /* user didn't provide a temperature on the command line */ if(iArgc != iARGS_REQUIRED) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [temperature]\n", acpArgv[iARG_EXE]); return 0; } /* read the given temperature into the fInput variable */ sscanf(acpArgv[iARG_INPUT], "%f", &fInput); /* fInput treated as celsius and converted to Fahrenheit */ fFahrenheit = fCelsiusToFahrenheit(fInput); /* fInput treated as Fahrenheit and converted to celsius */ fCelsius = fFahrenheitToCelsius(fInput); printf( "%.2f degrees Fahrenheit is %.2f degrees celsius.\n", fInput, fCelsius ); printf( "%.2f degrees celsius is %.2f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", fInput, fFahrenheit ); return 0;}/********************************************************************************* STATIC FUNCTION: fCelsiusToFahrenheit******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Converts a celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.** PARAMETERS:* fCelsius: The temperature in celsius to convert.** RETURNS:* fCelsius converted to Fahrenheit.********************************************************************************/static floatfCelsiusToFahrenheit( float fCelsius ){ return (fCelsius * 1.8) + 32;}/********************************************************************************* STATIC FUNCTION: fFahrenheitToCelsius******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Converts a Fahrenheit temperature to celsius.** PARAMETERS:* fFahrenheit: The temperature in Fahrenheit to convert.** RETURNS:* fFahrenheit converted to celsius.********************************************************************************/static floatfFahrenheitToCelsius( float fFahrenheit ){ return (fFahrenheit - 32) / 1.8;}

How do you convert from program C?

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