Neural networks viewed as directed graphs is done by utilizing the Boltzmann machine. With this process the Boltzman machine seeks the shortest path to the directed graph.
red apples
''felix wants u to watch his other vid''
There's no way to know who has viewed you on Twitter. However, you can set-up your page as "private" to protect your tweets.
They both use the same properties to do similar things, just one is built to view close things and the other far away things. It's like a rocket and a car, both use the same principle to do similar tasks, (Movement) just each is built to do a different task.
Mike's artworks can be viwed at This collection includes RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL SON and VISION OF CHRIST
A standalone transparency is a single transparent sheet containing information or images that can be viewed independently without needing additional transparencies or content. It is usually used for overhead projection or as a visual aid in presentations.
Honor is a word that has different meanings for different people thus making is obsolete. eg. Terrorists who blew up the World Trade Center can be viewed as honorable. Japs who killed themselves in the second world war can be viwed as honorable.
Unless the boss was a "principle" in the crime themselves, they probably could only be sued civily for 'negligence' in their oversight of their subordinates in not watching or supervising them closely enough in the performance of their duties. OF COURSE, this is subject to wide interpretation. For instance: Realistically, how could a supervisor of delivery truck drivers be held respponsible if, during the course of their route, the delivery driver committed robberies? All such matters are situational and individualized, and the liability of gthe boss must be viwed in narrow terms (i.e.: When could/should he have known it and responded to it?)
Smear is one of the forms in which organisms are viwed under the light microscope in microbiology, the other form is as wet mounts, remember that smear is used to view killed organisms the steps in making smear are as follow: 1-Get a grease free slide and a wire loop. 2-sterilize the wire loop by flaming. 3-deep the wire loop in a normal saline. 4-touch the slide with the wire loop, there will be a drop of normal saline on the slide. 4-sterilize the wire loop again and touch a small part of a colony in petri dish, then mix it with the normal saline on the slide. 5-allow it to air dry. 6-pass it through an open flame three times(heat fixation). Then view under the microscopes. The heat fixation is done in order to: 1-to fix the smear to the slide. 2-to kill the organism 3-to alter the organism so that it can accept stain readily.
Evolution of Dance, with 124,606,836 views Edit: This is not true. Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - Baby has accumulated more then 771 million views. Check out the related link - there you'll see the top 10 most viewed videos of YouTube as of right now. ^^That is no longer true either. Currently the most viewed video is PSY - Gangnam Style Now, the most viewed video on YouTube is Despacito.
One example of a pulsating star is Delta Cephei, a type of variable star known as a Cepheid variable. These stars pulsate in a regular and predictable manner, making them useful for measuring distances in astronomy.
Relocation CampsAccording to the Time-Life series on WW2, the volume titled "The Home Front: U.S.A,": "After war was declared, about 5,000 German-Americans were rounded up & interned at Ellis Island. By the end of 1942 most were released."Here are some more considerations:POW camps of Germans were spread all over. My family met and worked with some of them for a time, in the southern USA. I believe there was also one famous attempt at escape during the war, in Texas(?), but these German prisoners stood out like a sore thumb and were reported and recaptured quickly.Additional strategic and real-world considerations for General DeWitt's removal order in early 1942 for ethnic Japanese from the West Coast Zone that he commanded, while the same was not viwed as necessary for ethnic Germans:(1) There was very little risk of a German land invasion of the USA in early 1942, whereas the Japanese had already, on the two days surrounding Pearl Harbor (as mentioned in FDR's speech on December 8th) made large-scale AMPHIBIOUS invasion landings on another five or six major target locations in the Pacific.(2) 50,000 of the ethnic Japanese were NOT U.S. citizens and thousands spoke little of no English. This was not the case with the ethnic Germans, who had for the most part assimilated in a major way.(3) Some few German and other eastern European nationals were arrested by the FBI on the west coast, as spies, during this same timeframe. Their numbers were small and easily monitored.More inputA history site on Beale AFB contains the following exerpt in it's summary of history of the base...{During World War II, Camp Beale's 86,000 acres were home for more than 60,000 soldiers, a prisoner-of-war encampment, and a 1,000-bed hospital.} story I heard goes as follows;Two nazi pow's planned an escape from the camp at Beale. One night under the cover of darkness, the two men set out through the fence with a couple of days worth of food and the clothes on their back. After three days of walking, they decided to give up and go back. They were trying to walk out of the country and they decided that the U.S.A. was just too big. The catch in the story is that when they left, they set out in a southerly direction. Beale is about 30 miles north of Sacramento, just above Marysville. In reality, they never even got out of the state of California.That one, I cannot verify, as it is a handed down story from the elders of our family.In very general terms one needs to distinguish between (1) the relatively small number people in the U.S. who were German nationals and (2) the much larger group of Americans who in varying senses were of German origin who had only U.S. citizenship. This latter group included Americans who spoke no German at all to the small German-speaking communities in some parts of Wisconsin, for example. In other words, the term "German-Americans" is vague.However, note that the legislation - such as the Alien Enemy Act of 1798 - refers to "enemy ancestry". Those most likely to be arrested and relocated were those who were not well integrated. They could be interned on the basis of gossip and hearsay and things that no ordinary US court would take seriously. Usually, only adult men were interned, but in some cases their families obtained permission to join them.As far as I'm aware, the latter group was **on the whole** left alone in WWII. As for people in America with German citizenship (and this included many refugees from Nazi persecution) some were interned and/or relocated.This website provides much more information: should be obvious that German prisoners of war, that is, members of the German armed forces taken prisoner in combat, were in a completely different category.