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Look at a recipe book. It depends on how you are cooking it - stir fry, grilled, stew - and how well cooked you like your beef.

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Q: How you find cooking time if beef is 1 kilogram 2 kilogram 3 kilogram?
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What would have more mass a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of gold?

the gold would have more mass unless there is no gravity like on the moon then they would both fall at the same time.

How do you write in algebraic expression form that cooking time is 30 minutes to start and an additional 10 minutes for each egg?


What is the customary units of measuements?

In the SI system (metric), length is a meter, mass is the kilogram, and time is the second.

How do you use fraction in life?

cooking/ measurement food/ cutting car racing clock/ time/dividing time schedule

Should you double the cooking time if you cook 2 pork loins together?

Well, it depends what you mean by cooking it together. If they are tied together to present a larger loin, then you would need to increase the cooking time. I would not quite double the length, but it would be close. If they are going to be cooked side by side, not touching, then you would use the cooking time of 20 minutes per pound. I doubt the loins are really large so you shouldn't have to adjust anything for it being a crowded oven. Remember that if one piece is larger you will have to adjust the cooking time by starting the smaller one later or taking it out of the oven earlier. For perfectly cooked meat, I use a meat thermometer. There are reasonably priced ones at Wal-Mart or Target that allow you to put the sensor in the meat on cord and the read out is outside of the oven. My thermometer has an alarm that beeps when it reaches the set temperature.

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How long do you cook a 7.5 lb beef tenderloin?

The cooking time for a 3 pound joint of roast beef can vary depending on the desired doneness of the meat. For rare meat, cooking time should take about 33 minutes. For well done, cooking time should be about 48 minutes.

Do you increase cooking time for 2 tenderloin beef roasts?

in a microwave, yes. in an oven no. and in the oven increase temperature but not time.

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the time is 45 min. and temp. is 425 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the cook time for an 8 pound medium rare beef roast?

When cooking Roast beef, its usually 20 minutes per pound at 350 degrees.

Where is it possible to find roast beef recipes in the internet?

Many web sites list recipes. Cooks Illustrated, and recipe Lion are three of such sites. For a great roast beef, you'll need a selection of vegetables and a good spice rub to flavor the crust. The cooking time varies depending on the cut's size.

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There are a variety of good questions you can ask a chef when cooking a steak. You can ask what temperature the pan should be, what marinade recipes they use or recommend, how long of cooking time to make medium rare, etc.

How long do you cook 0.730 kg roast beef?

20 minutes per pound in weight then add 20 minutes to the cooking weight time

How long do you cook a 2.4kg beef?

The length of time to cook a corned beef would vary depending on the cooking method and the amount of doneness or tenderness you prefer. It can be roasted at 160 degrees celcius from 20 minutes for rare, to 30 minutes for well done.

Can you get sick from ground beef frostbite?

It depends on how long the ground beef was in the hot car. Ground beef should be kept cold (refrigerated) until ready to start cooking it. Driving it home from the grocery store should be OK, but not leaving it in the car for any period of time.

How long does raw beef stay fresh without being refrigerated?

Raw beef can be unrefrigerated for the amount of time it takes to get from the store to the home refrigerator. But if the weather is hot and it takes more than 20 minutes, use a cooler with ice to transport the meat. The longer it is unrefrigerated and/or the warmer it gets, the sooner the beef will spoil.It can also be unrefrigerated for the length of time it takes to prepare the meat for cooking.

How cook beef?

First and foremost you need to make sure all the bacteria is offby cleaning the beef properly. Put the water and the beef in the cooking pot and start heating it. Leave it for 20 minutes so that the beaf gets softer. Get another cooking pot and pour some olive oil and onions and wait till it gets brown. Add the tomatoes to it and start stirring it proerly until they grind. Mix garlic, black pepper, salt, and the chopped coriander in a bowl until the mixture is evenly spread. Add boiled beef to the tomato mixture and wait for about 10 minutes for it to come together. Add the mixture in the bowl to the cooking pan and leave for 15 minutes. Make sure you cover the pot in order to maintain the moisture and also don't lose any nutrients from beef. Remove the cooking pot and give some time before serving. After sometime start to serve. Hope this helps.

What is the easiest and fastest way to tenderize a beef meat?

You can purchase a mallet style meat tenderizer and pound the beef with that. There is also different ways of cooking it that can help tenderize as it cooks. Use moist heat methods such as braising and stewing. It will require a bit more time but the results are far superior.