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with the help of total station u can download from satelite

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Q: How you knows the values gts benchmark at different location?
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What is a decimal benchmark?

A decimal benchmark example would be 43 divided by 2. a decimal benchmark would be 42 divided by 2 because everyone knows that all even numbers are divisible by 2

What is the benchmark for 4 and 3 over 7?

The term BENCHMARK is never used in that context. I doubt if anyone knows what you are trying to find out. Benchmark is NOT a mathematical term. Do you mean that you want to change the Improper Fraction 43/7 int a Mixed Number ? If so, the answer is 6&1/7.

What does the term benchmark mean in reading?

A "benchmark" is a level or accomplishment .That the child can read a certain level and can do certain things within that level as part of the reading process. There are many things that happen within reading beyond just reading. Is the child understanding inference? Do they analyze character traits? These are just some of the things that are involved in the reading process. Each benchmark has these things for the teacher to check off that the child knows how to do, but if they can't do these things they have not completed the benchmark. That is how as teachers we know that a child knows what they are suppose to know.

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no one knows

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god knows

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Crusoe is willing to manipulate different cultural values to his advantage

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The initials of the person who knows the exact location, according to Krypto's, are EC.

What is the answer in how do Filipino values affects leadership?

values greatly affect to a persons leadership because if people knows you have no values, why would they consider you as their leader? values is very important. without it , the real you is not complete.

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The family's values and beliefs are that they are of the Chinese culture. It stated that they are Chinese-Canadians. The family knows many different languages and they must attend Chinese school to learn their mother tongue. Many neighbours look at Sek-Lungs family differently because they are of a different culture and country all together. Their beliefs and values are not necessarily the same as everybody else.

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no one knows for sure

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no one knows exactely on the earth where medusa's last location was.

Is heaven behind the moon?

Heaven is typically seen as a spiritual realm rather than a physical place that can be located behind the moon. Different religious beliefs may have varying views on the location of heaven, but in general, it is understood to be beyond the physical realm.