Multiply 3 times 25 mentally (the answer is 75), and then adding three zeroes will give the total of 75,000.
You can, if you wish.
You would multiply 12x5, and then just add a zero. The answer is 600.
Mental math! aka in ur head
optometrist use math 36 topics like subtracting adding mental math triangles and much more!
You can, if you wish.
use mental math
You would multiply 12x5, and then just add a zero. The answer is 600.
Mental math! aka in ur head
The answer depends on the equation. Very few people, if any, can use mental maths to find the value of n in logpi/7(3e) = 95.3. I would not even try!
optometrist use math 36 topics like subtracting adding mental math triangles and much more!
Multiplying by 10 is simply sliding the decimal one place to the right. 5.2 * 10 = 52 Use mental floss to prevent decay of your morals. ■
Mental math is basically just giving an estimate of what the value will be, for example: 5x306= 5x3 and add 2 zeros will give you 1500 and the actual answer is 1530 so its kind of like rounding off to the nearest.
use math to find the answer