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Two quantities are inversely proportional when one is multiplied or divided by any number, the other is divided or multiplied by the same number.

The relation is also commonly denoted as:

y ∝ x−1

The graph of two variables that are inversely proportional is a hyperbola.

Speed and time are inversely proportional because as the speed increases, the time it takes to reach the destination decreases.

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Q: How you write inverse proportion?
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when both increaes its direct proportion and when one increase and othe decreases its inverse proportion.

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The four kinds of proportionality in physics are direct proportionality, inverse proportionality, joint proportionality, and inverse square proportionality. Direct proportionality means that two quantities increase or decrease together. Inverse proportionality means that one quantity increases while the other decreases. Joint proportionality involves three or more quantities varying together. Inverse square proportionality refers to a relationship where one quantity is inversely proportional to the square of another quantity.

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