It's an International Standard Serial Number. For instance, "TRON Reconfigured"'s ISSN number is "0891-5628".
international standard serial number
There are 17 such numbers.
A Thousand digit number will have 999 zeros
Six of them.
There are 4 digits in ISSN
It's an International Standard Serial Number. For instance, "TRON Reconfigured"'s ISSN number is "0891-5628".
International Standard Serial Number
international standard serial number
The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is used to identify periodicals like magazines and journals, while the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is used to identify books.
The main difference between ISBN and ISSN is that ISBN is used to identify books and publications, while ISSN is used to identify periodicals such as magazines and journals. In short, ISBN is for books and ISSN is for magazines.
There are 17 such numbers.
A Thousand digit number will have 999 zeros
If you want to find further important information about ISSN, then you should check out their official website. Everything you need to know about ISSN is on their website.
Six of them.
The first 8 digit number is 10,000,000, the last is 99,999,999 which means there are 90,000,000 8 digit numbers