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Yes, they are the same. Triangles have 3 sides and 3 angles. Squares have 4 sides and 4 angles. Octagons have 8 sides and 8 angles.

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Q: IS THERE a relationship between the number of sides of the polygon and the interior angles?
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What is the relationship between the interior and exterior angles of a polygon?

They both add up to 180 degrees when on a staight line.

What is the relationship between interior angles and the sum of the exterior angles of a given polygon?

There isn't one. The sum of the exterior angles is always 360 degrees, the sum of the interior angles varies depending on the number of sides.

What are the interior angles of a polygon?

They are angles between adjacent sides of the polygon, measured on the inside of the shape.

What is interior angles?

The angles between adjacent sides of a polygon that are interior to the polygon. If the polygon is convex, the interior angles are always less than 180 degrees. If it is concave, at least one interior angle will be greater than 180 degrees.

What is the difference between alternate interior angles and interior angles?

An interior angle is an angle defined by two sides of a polygon and that is inside the polygon. Opposite interior angles are specific pairs of interior angles, those that are opposite each other in the polygon. Alternate or opposite interior angles are also angles that lie on opposte sides of the tranversal line that cuts through parallel lines.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and polygon -?

A regular polygon has equal sides and same sizes of interior angles whereas an irregular polygon has sides of different lengths and different sizes of interior angles

What is a polygon with all interior angles congruent?

A polygon with all interior angles congruent Is known as a regular polygon.

What is a polygon with all interior angles called?

If all of its interior angles are equal then it is a regular polygon

How many sides does a polygon have with angles of 12 degrees?

Any polygon can have two interior angles of 12 degrees. No polygon can have all its interior angles of 12 degrees.

A polygon has interior angles that add up to 360?

Yes. The interior angles of a polygon add up to 360°.

What are the interior and exterior angles in a regular polygon?

A polygon is a closed figure in the plane. It has an inside and an outside.The angles on the inside are the interior angles. An exterior angle is the angle between any side of the polygon and a line extended from the next side.Here is an example to help.If you draw an triangle, the angles inside it are interior angles. Then if you extend any side, the angle between that line and the next side is the exterior angle.The sum of the exteriors is always 360. For a polygon with n sides, the sum of the interior angles is 180 (n-2) degrees.

How many side does a regular polygon have with an interior angle of 30?

The smallest regular polygon, an equilateral triangle, has interior angles of 60. A square has interior angles of 90. There can't exist a regular polygon with interior angles of 30.