

IS epival and valproic the same?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: IS epival and valproic the same?
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What is shelf life epival?

The shelf life of Epival is approximately three years. The more common name for Epival is Depakote, and it is commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder.

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What is Valproic acid?

Valproic acid is an anticonvulsant used to control seizures in the treatment of epilepsy

What is another name for Valproic acid?

Another name for Valproic acid is sodium valproate.

Are valproic and valporate the same?

Some one with a more detailed knowledge of chemistry than I might quibble but for most practical puoses they are interchangeable (the same).

What is the maximum dose of Epival?

I am not sure, I am trying to figure it out. I take 2000mg of it for BPD.

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What is the difference between valproic acid and depakote tabs?

Valproic acid's brand name is DEPAKENE. DEPAKOTE is the brand name for divalproex acid. They are technically two different medications. But, DEPAKOTE is converted into DEPAKENE inside your body ( divalproex acid is separated into valproic acid and a salt). After the converson, the two medications work the same way. The exact way they work on the body is unknown, but they are believed to increase GABA levels in the brain.

What are the withdrawal symptoms of Epival?

If the withdrawal is sudden, and the patient is epileptic and Epival is the only medication used to control the epilepsy, then seizures would certainly re-occur. If the patient is taking Epival for mania and no other mood stablizer is substituted, and the patient is also taking an anti-depressant, mood cycling may occur. If the withdrawal is gradual, no side-effects from it are to be expected, if a substitute medicine is used for the condition of the patient. In case the medication is no longer needed, therefore, the best way to remove Epival is gradually, although some persons have anyway reported symptoms such as tremor, headache, abdominal pain, and hair loss, even upon gradual withdrawal. But these symptoms are related more to Epival use, short-term and long-term.

Is divalproex and depakote the same med?

yes, divalproex sodium to be exact: a 50% 50% mixture of valproic acid and sodium valproate in a resonance bond.

What is Depakene or Depakote also called?

Valproic acid

Which color tube for blooddraw for valproic acid?

A lavender-top tube containing EDTA is typically used for blood collection for valproic acid measurement, as it helps preserve the sample for accurate testing. It is important to follow your facility's specific guidelines for blood collection for valproic acid testing.