

Best Answer

The correct phrase you're looking for is... "Do unto others as you would have others do to you."

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Q: IWhat is the correct saying for Undo to others what you want others to undo to you?
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When the little bubble pops up saying "You sent a notification to..." click undo. It should undo the sending of the notification.

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i don't think I'm correct but i belive you work it out

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What is the Difference between undo and do?

do means you do it and undo means to undo or get ride of it

What is undo and redo?

redo-is when you do sometyhing over! undo-is when u undo something

What is the full form of UNDO?

There is no full form.. it is opposite for do...

How do you undo on a Mac?

to undo on a mac computer, you have to go to edit and press undo. or go to file and press undo. forgot which one.

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The damage has already happen so the only way is try to try to correct the damage and ensure that it never occurs again.

How do you do undo?

You can't undo algebra, you just can do it.

What part of speech is undo?

Undo is a verb.