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Hi, This could be caused by pregnancy but its most likely caused by a hormonal imbalance or irregular periods. See your doctor.

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Q: I had a . twice in April Then had a . in May that was a few days late but was shorter than normal at the most 3 days then spotted one day a week ago in June and no . yet hungry tired bloated?
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How many days apart should your period be at age 16?

Everyone is different - the average menstrual cycle length is 28 days but yours may be longer or shorter, it is also normal in your teens for cycles to be irregular.

How many days are in a normal menstrual cycle?

28, I'm told, though in practice it seems to vary. 25-30 is probably a good bet.The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days - but there can be a lot of variation from one woman to the next, thus they can be shorter or longer.

How many years of college does it to become a accountant?

If you take the normal course load it will take four years. But if you take more or less classes, it could take a longer or shorter amount of time. After the four years, you take your CPA test. If you fail, you have to wait and take it again which will take some more time.

You are 10 and you weigh 130 and you are 5'1'' are you normal?

The average weight for a 10 year old is not 130 pounds. I am a thirteen years old and I weigh 75 pounds. I am also shorter than 5'1". These reasons are because I am petite. Maybe 5'1" is normal, but unfortunately 130 pounds is not average. But this doesn't mean you aren't normal. Why do you care? It doesn't change the person inside of you. Everyone can be a little bit insecure of themselves at times. Don't worry about it. As long as you exercise and eat healthy, instead of playing video games and eating four bags of chips a day, you'll be just fine.

Normal curve is the meaning of standard normal distribution?

No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

Related questions

Is it normal to feel bloated before your period?

Yes. It is caused by the hormones

Is it normal to get bloated after sex?

yes it may also be your body rejecting his sperm, try protected sex and see if you still get bloated, this will elimanate that possibility.

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It means "he/she/you is/are hungry". Literally, this is "has hunger", but the normal English tranlsation is "is hungry".

Why does one feel bloated all the time?

One usually feels bloated when there is extra fluid in the system. Women feel bloated sometimes prior to their period because of extra fluid they carry. It is not normal to feel bloated all the time. Maybe you should consult a doctor for a check up.

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What does it mean when you feel like your going to puke while on your period?

If you mean bloated and gassy, this is normal...

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The term "lemon spotted" refers to the coloring of the fur on the beagle. Typically it means That it is blonde. A lemon spotted beagle IS a normal beagle. IT's no different than some one being blonde, brunette, or red maybe you are refering to a tri colored beagle as normal.

Is it normal to be hungry every hour after a tooth extraction?

it is normal if its more then 8 teeth

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Leopard (normal not the spotted leopard)

Is it ok if you are 8 weeks pregnant and you are hungry right after eating?

Yes it is very normal to be hungry right after you eat,

Is it normal for your stomach and lower stomach to hurt and be kind of bloated because you are on your period and have been exercising a lot?


Is it normal to be bloated after the first time?

Possibly you just swallowed air during your activity. Try walking it off.