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You aren't meant to wear a tampon

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Q: I had a baby 4 months and the discharge is getting heavier i have to wear a tampn all the time is that normal?
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If you start having intercourse but then you start getting your period every two weeks is that normal then you get a black discharge is that normal too?

No a "black discharge" is not normal. Using BCP or MAP can cause irregular bleeding and break thru bleeding in the first three months of using OCP.

You are 11 and have heavy discharge but no period. Is this normal?

Yes. This is completely normal. It means you will be getting your period soon

Is it ok to have brown discharge a year after an abortion. I have been getting Depo shots for 9 months but every since I had that abortion I have had brown with tissue like discharge does any one know?

I really think you should pay a visit to your doctor and get it checked out. It might be normal discharge, but it never hurts to have the advice of a professional.

Is it normal to have a heavy discharge when your pregnant?

Some women notice the discharge is heavier, some have it lighter and for others it stays the same.

Is having daily vaginal discharge normal?

Yes it is normal to have vaginal discharge daily. A milky colored discharge is normal discharge

You are a 13 year old girl and you have a whiteish-yellowish discharge but you dont menstrate and are not sexually active if you have had this 4 a few months now what can it be?

If it is not very heavy and doe snot make yo uncomfortable and you have had no sexual contact it is probably normal. It is called a physiologic discharge and it is from your body starting to respond to the hormones of puberty. If it burns or itches, is getting heavier or has a funny odor or if a boy has had any contact with your genitals (even if he did not go inside of you) then you should go see your doctor.

What could be wrong if 4 and a half months after a C-section you have had an extended period for 2 months with a brown discharge after the blood stopped and you also have itching?

hi, its normal to have bleeding after pregnancy as your body is getting rid of whats left over(if that makes sense,)the brown discharge either means its finishing or you may have a slight infection like thrush

What could be wrong if 4 and a half months after a C section you have had an extended period for 2 months with a brown discharge after the blood stopped and you also have itching?

hi, its normal to have bleeding after pregnancy as your body is getting rid of whats left over(if that makes sense,)the brown discharge either means its finishing or you may have a slight infection like thrush

You are 2 months pregnant and am having musus-like discharge following mild cramps is this normal?

Call your doctor.

Can NuvaRing cause discharge?

YES! most definatly. discharge is one reason some women go back to the pill. i have been on nuvaring for 3 months but it hasn't been to bad for me but discharge is completely normal.

Is it normal to have discharge while on your period?

It depends on what type of discharge. If the discharge is blood, then of course it is normal.

Brownish discharge mid-cycle is this normal?

Yes, it is just the blood getting mixed with your period blood