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Q: I ordered a pair of shoes from flight club and my order statues says printed do any of you guys no what that means please respond thanks for the help?
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How do you know your flight number?

It would be printed on your boarding cards and/or ticket. It takes the form of an airline prefix followed by a flight number, for example;BA001 - British Airways flight 001QF091 - Qantas flight 091AF876 - Air France flight 876

How would you handle a flight passenger in a situation where the food item they wanted was not available as a flight attendant?

Just say your food is not available and maybe give them a choice of food that was close to what they ordered.

What sort of questions should you expect in a cabin crew or flight attendant job interview and how should i respond?

I expect to be asked about my previous jobs and what can i offer to the company

If you buy your flight online do you receive the flight ticket at the airport?

In most cases when you buy tickets online you will be sent an e-mail containing details of your flight and booking. This email is then printed off and used as a flight ticket usually called an "E Ticket" (so don't lose it). In rare cases it might be possible to request to pick the tickets up at the airport, but this is becoming more of a rarity.

How do you get 121.5 to respond on Microsoft Flight Simulator X?

if you're offline then that frequency is non responsive- it will also depend on what that frequency is for, i.e. Tower , approach etc and your distance from it.

Where could one get a Phuket cheap flight from London?

A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinges.

Why are flight computers an essential part of modern stealth aircraft?

Stealth aircraft like the B-2 and F-117 use wing shapes that are inherently unstable and cannot be kept flying by a human without computer assistance. The flight computer's sensors detect any deviations from normal flight faster than the pilot could and respond more quickly to restore normal flight than the pilot could. Stealth aircraft like the newer F-22 and F-35 use wing shapes that are marginally stable and although a human pilot can barely keep them flying without computer assistance it would take almost all his concentration and effort doing so. The flight computer's sensors detect any deviations from normal flight faster than the pilot could and respond more quickly to restore normal flight than the pilot could, also they significantly increase maneuverability without risk of sudden loss of stability.

Do all living organisms need the endocrine system to survive?

yes they do. this is how they are able to respond o stimuli such a flight, fright or to fight

When would you use flight for a collective noun?

The collective noun 'flight' is used for:a flight of aircrafta flight of angelsa flight of beesa flight of birdsa flight of butterfliesa flight of cormorantsa flight of dovesa flight of dragonsa flight of ducksa flight of dunbirdsa flight of fowla flight of goshawksa flight of grousea flight of herona flight of insectsa flight of kestrelsa flight of larksa flight of locks (canal)a flightt of mallardsa flight of pigeonsa flight of ploversa flight of pocharda flight of refugeesa flight of stairsa flight of starlingsa flight of storksa flight of swallowsa flight of swansa flight of widgeona flight of woodcocksa flight of yesterdays

Does your brain become extra alert during the fight or flight response?

Yes, during the fight or flight response, the brain releases stress hormones like adrenaline, which can lead to increased alertness, focus, and the ability to react quickly to potential threats. This heightened state of arousal helps prepare the body to respond to danger.

Is fear a normal human negative emotion?

Yes, fear is a normal and adaptive human emotion that helps individuals respond to threats or dangerous situations. It can trigger a fight-or-flight response that helps protect us from harm.

Is flight a collective noun?

Yes, the noun 'flight' is a standard collective noun for:a flight of aircrafta flight of birdsa flight of cormorantsa flight of goshawksa flight of grousea flight of pigeonsa flight of ploversa flight of refugeesa flight of stairsa flight of storksa flight of swallowsa flight of woodcocks