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Maths is for kids and teenagers all around the world to study and become great Maths wizards

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Q: I want some information on population maths project for my maths competition student of class 7th?
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I am a student of computer science and i want to make a project on latest technology can you suggest me some topics?

you can make the project like geographic information system(GIS). you can make the project like geographic information system(GIS).

Is it correct to say Which competition won't the student have?

It sounds awkward. Contractions are strictly informal. How about Which competition will the student not have?

Draw dfd atleast upto 3rd level for a student's information system?

First level: The main process is "Manage Student Information." Sub-processes include "Add Student Information," "Update Student Information," and "Delete Student Information." Second level: Under "Add Student Information," sub-processes could be "Enter Student Details" and "Save Student Information." Third level: Under "Enter Student Details," activities could include "Enter Personal Information," "Enter Contact Information," and "Enter Enrollment Details."

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some simplest mini project in vb6 are student information system, scientific calculator, library management system etc.

What are the ratings and certificates for Student Project - 2011?

Student Project - 2011 is rated/received certificates of: Philippines:R-13 (MTRCB)

Project Gutenberg puts on the Internet public domain literature and information?

The first document posted was the Declaration of Independence. --- Ms. Vereen Student

Am a student from 8 had given a project of earthquake how will you make the project?

we can make the project on topic you are given with.

What is the population of Schlachtensee Student Village?

Schlachtensee Student Village's population is 860.

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Northern Student Movement's population is 50.

What is the population of Northern Student Movement?

The population of Northern Student Movement is 1,963.

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Define interpersonal competition and just give example?

Interpersonal competition refers to rivalry between 2 or more persons, such as student competition in class.