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Q: Identify the interval -8 3 as open closed half open or unbounded?
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The interval notation for the interval of real numbers?

There is more than one notation, but the open interval between a and b is often written (a,b) and the closed interval is written [a,b] where a and b are real numbers. Intervals may be half open or half closed as well such as [a,b) or (a,b]. For all real numbers, it is (-infinity,+infinity), bit use the infinity symbol instead (an 8 on its side).

What is the interval from A to B flat?

The interval from A to Bb is a minor 2nd, also called a half step.

What is a sentence for interval?

The trains for that city depart at an interval of every hour and a half.

What is the musical interval between A and B?

The interval from B to C is a minor second (m2) or a half step.

Is the fifth is a kind of octave?

An octave is not a fifth. A fifth is any interval of exactly 7 half-steps. An octave is any interval of exactly 12 half-steps.

What does the word interval mean in british?

Interval is the gap in a play or performance were you can leave and come back for the second half.

How many poles you can transfer in left half of the plane if all poles in right half of the plame?

An infinite number of poles can be transferred from the right half of the plane to the left half. Since the regions are continuous and unbounded, there is no limit to the number of poles that can be transferred.

What is the definition of interval?

An interval is the distance between two notes.Example: The interval between C and C-sharp is a half step.The interval between C and D is a whole step!Another Times T2 crossword answer to 14d... entre'acte

How many half steps are in a diminished 5th?

In a perfect interval: 7 and a half steps In a 5th diminish: 6 and a half steps

Which eyes are better the half closed or the open in poptropica?

the best ones are half closed it makes you look like you have attitude

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Why does a perfect note when reduced by half step becomes a diminished interval?

It's a perfect interval that is called a diminished interval when reduced by half step; there is no such thing as a perfect note. Minor intervals are also called diminished intervals when reduced by half step. If you listen to a perfect fourth and a diminished fourth, for example, they clearly have very different sounds, so they need different names.