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Identify the types of statistical information collected in your professional work setting

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Q: Identify types of statistics collected or should be collected in a health care setting?
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What are health care statistics?

Health care statistics are numerical data and metrics related to various aspects of the health care system, such as population health, disease prevalence, health care utilization, quality of care, and health outcomes. These statistics are used to track trends, identify areas for improvement, and inform health policy decisions.

What has the author Ann Hogan written?

Ann Hogan has written: 'Countdown to progress' -- subject(s): Health planning, Health surveys, Medical Statistics, Public health, Statistics, Vital Statistics

Is there a difference between vital records and health statistics?

Vitals records is the records that states when and where you were born. Health statistics tells about your health records, such as your vaccinations.

How statistics help in developmental and clinical psychology?

Statistics play a crucial role in developmental and clinical psychology by allowing researchers to analyze data collected from studies and draw meaningful conclusions. By using statistical methods, researchers can identify patterns, trends, and relationships in behavior and outcomes, which can then inform theories and interventions aimed at promoting healthy development and addressing mental health issues. Additionally, statistics help researchers determine the significance of their findings and provide evidence for the effectiveness of psychological interventions.

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Your question is difficult if not impossibe to answer. But if you can identify a country then it is possible to obtain national statistics including levels of suicide for most countries from the World Health Organisation website.

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Oklahoma Dept of Health. has written: 'Oklahoma health statistics'

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What has the author Mark J Kittleson written?

Mark J. Kittleson has written: 'Vital statistics for the public health educator' -- subject(s): Medicine, Public health, Statistical methods, Statistics, Vital, Vital Statistics

What is the importance of statistics of the fields of medicine?

Statistics are a crucial part of the field of medicine. Health statistics provide information about studies which help to track the progress of research and development of new cures and technology. In addition, health statistics give a good glimpse of the overall health of the human race, showing which diseases are prevalent in different locations, as well as how the quality of health varies by location, age, and other factors.

What is the important of statistics in the field of medicine?

Statistics are a crucial part of the field of medicine. Health statistics provide information about studies which help to track the progress of research and development of new cures and technology. In addition, health statistics give a good glimpse of the overall health of the human race, showing which diseases are prevalent in different locations, as well as how the quality of health varies by location, age, and other factors.