dont they only call straight men breeders? not tops??? ALKFJSDL
In most cases the Bible is explicit in saying that men had only one wife, but there are exceptions. Jacob is reported as having two wives, having been tricked by his uncle. King David is reported as having many wives and concubines.
Once women get married with a men called Husband.
What are the checker pieces called and what do they represent?
girls are actually easier to conceive than boys. girl sperm are generally stronger. sperm counts lessen in men with heat, so tight underwear for men, position; woman on top,
Gottfried Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton
It is called a hysterectomy.
Asexual, meaning not having a strong attraction to either gender.
The women wear a robe and the men wear a cloth around their bottom.
No, men's bodies are not made for having babies.
It is called homosexuality.
Men of Husbandry
Yes, all men have anals. All humans have an anus. It's your bottom
The answer depends on what the top and bottom number refer to!
They are called Bin Men
At the bottom of their scrotum in-between their anal the thin line is very sensitive to men
Men with No Lives - 2010 Rock Bottom 4-35 was released on: USA: 27 April 2013
the men are called Yeomen