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if 10000J were used to lift it, it means the total mechanical energy is 10000J. At the very top, kinetic energy is 0 (0 velocity), so potential energy is at it's fullest.

Potential energy can be calculated using E = m*g*h

E = 10000J, m = 250kg, g = 10m/s2. Leaving h to be 4m

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Q: If 10000 J of work was done to raise a 250 kg box how high was the box raised?
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What does raised the bar mean?

In the sport of high jumping, a horizontal bar is progressively raised as competition proceeds and competitors are eliminated. To raise the bar means to increase the difficulty of a task or to set a higher standard.

Does the power needed to raise a box onto a platform depend on how fast it is raised?

Technically, once you know the weight of the box and the height of the platform, you can state the amount of"work" or "energy" needed to raise the box onto the platform. But there's no such thing as the power "needed"to do the job.Power is just the rate of doing work. You can calculate the amount of work needed, but it doesn't matter whetherthe work is done slowly or fast ... with low or high power.

How high is one million dollars in one dollar bills If the stack of 100 one dollar bills is one inch?

First we need to see how many stacks of $100 dollar bills go in $1 million. So $1000000/100 = 10000 stacks. If each stack is 1 inch then the pile will be 10000 inches high. Since 1 foot = 12 inches this will be 833.3 feet high (1 decimal place)

Is 112 glucose high?

This is not high but it is right outside of normal. It is prediabetic and something should be done before it gets higher, otherwise diabetes may become a reality. This is not high but it is right outside of normal. It is prediabetic and something should be done before it gets higher, otherwise diabetes may become a reality.

What does exalted mean in the Bible term?

ExaltAnswer:The literal meaning of the word "exalt" (Greek hupsoo) in the New Testament is "to lift up on high." Metaphorically, it can mean "to raise to the peak of opulence and prosperity," or "to raise to dignity, honor and happiness." In everyday terms, when someone boasts or brags, they are "exalting themselves."

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