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partner 1 receives $32000

partner 2 receives $40000

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Q: If 2 electricians go into business 1 partner invests 80000 1 partner invests 100000 profits received are proportional to investment the 1st year profits are 72000 what share of the profit does the?
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The difference between the amount of money received from selling an investmentand the amount of money spent to purchase the investment is known as?

If what you spent on the investment was less then what you received when you sold it, it is called your "profit". If what you spent on the investment was more then what you received when you sold it, it is called your "loss".

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The rate of return on an investment, adjusted for external factors, such as interest paid or received i.e. factors that are not the actual investment itself.

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Business income is the amount of money received through your business.

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