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If 2 pounds of rice cost 5, 1 pound will cost 2.50 or 2 1/2.

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Q: If 2 pounds rice cost 5 how much does it cost for 1 pound?
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How much does 15 pound of rice cost?

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How much does 1 pound of organic rice cost?

Depends on whether you want 1 pound or 2...

What is the price for pound of rice?

You can get twenty pounds of long grain white rice from Walmart for $9.98. That works out to just shy of 0.50¢ a pound, and nine pounds of arborio rice for $23.71 which is $2.63 a pound.

How much does a bag of rice weigh?

There is no such thing as an 'average' bag of rice. In my local groceries it comes in bags of 8 oz, 12 oz, 1 pound, 2 pound, 5 pound, 9 pound, and 11 pound. Who decides what is 'average'

How much does one pound of rice cost?

I just bought a 2 lb. bag of Jamine rice last night and I paid 2.29, But if I would have gotten regular long grain rice ... a 2 lb bag was 1.49. Wholesale cost for more common varieties around $0.20 per pound. Typical grocery store cost for larger (10 pound) ~ $1.00 per pound. Sale price (5 pound bag, short grain) ~$0.50 per pound.

How much is a 2 pounds of rice cost?

The cost depends on the variety of rice, where it is bought - which country, from a large supermarket or small grocers, etc? A quick search on the internet showed me that prices varied considerably.

How much does bagged rice cost?

bag of rice cost 5.95

How many grains of rice are in a 5 pound bag of long rice?

it varies, but usually about 3754 grains if you are talking about long grain rice.

How many grams is a 10.5 pound bag of rice?

10.5 pounds equates to 4762.72 grams.

Is the 25 pound weight baby heavier than a 25 pound bag of rice?

They're both the same weight if they're both 25 pounds.

How much uncooked rice do you need to feed 200 people?

about. 7000g.