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Q: If 30000 people attend a basketball game each week what is the order of magnitude of the number of people who attend 8 weeks of games?
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How do people find out the exact number of people that attend an event like Thunder Over Louisville?

Why do you need signed and magnitude representations of binary numbers in computers?

Because the computer has to know how big the number is, and whether it's a positive or negative number. Otherwise, there would be a lot of wrong answers, and people would blame them on the computer.

How many different basketball teams of 5 people can be chosen from 10 people?

252 teams.

What is 5 people on the basketball court and 7 on the bench called?


Does multiplication always make things bigger?

This is a pretty technical question. The answer will vary depending on your grade level.If you are talking about magnitude (i.e., ignore the negative) than the answer is sort of (I'll explain further down).If you are allowing negative numbers,Start with 2, and multiply it by -1. 2 x -1 = -2 which is smaller than 2.Now, what about multiplying by a number between 0 and 1 (0.5 for example).Start with 4 and multiply by .5 to get 2. 2 is smaller than 4.However, you could argue that by multiplying by a decimal, you are in addition to multiplying, dividing which is why the number is reduced. By the same logic, division would always result in a number of lower magnitude. That would be the side I would tend to take as well, so:Multiplication always increases the magnitude of a number, but does notnecessarilymake it bigger. Division always reduces the magnitude of a number, but does not necessarily make it larger.I should also mention, this is controversial. People can make the argument either way (in regards to multiplication vs division).

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