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Q: If 4 percent of people commute by bicycle and a person is selected randomly what is the odds against selecting someone who commutes by bicycle?
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Primes are 2, 3, 5 and 7 which form 6 "prime pairs". There are 45 possible pairs in the box so the odds are 39 to 6 against ie 13/2, a probability of two-fifteenths or 13.3% or 0.13 recurring.

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Selection pressure is the environmental force that influences which individuals within a population are more likely to survive and reproduce. "Selected for" means traits that increase an organism's likelihood of survival and reproduction, while "selected against" means traits that decrease an organism's likelihood of survival and reproduction.

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Variations are selected for or against based on their impact on an organism's survival and reproductive success. Beneficial variations that increase fitness are more likely to be selected for and passed on to future generations, while harmful variations that decrease fitness are more likely to be selected against. The environment plays a key role in determining which variations are favored at any given time.

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The Hardy Weinberg Principle states that a trait that is neither selected for or against will remain at the same frequency in the population. Therefore, traits in a population that are neither selected for or against are in equillibrium and remain in the population at a steady state.

What is hardy weinberg equillibruim?

The Hardy Weinberg Principle states that a trait that is neither selected for or against will remain at the same frequency in the population. Therefore, traits in a population that are neither selected for or against are in equillibrium and remain in the population at a steady state.

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There are four suits so twenty five percent.

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In the US, candidates for public office are typically selected through a combination of party primaries and caucuses, followed by a general election. Political parties hold primary elections or caucuses to determine the nominee for each party, and the winning nominees then compete against each other in the general election. This system allows for a multi-step process that involves both party members and the general public in selecting candidates.

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It seems like you might be referring to the alignment options for the "Protection from Evil and Good" spell in Dungeons & Dragons. The spell provides protection against certain creature types depending on the alignment chosen. For example, selecting "Virtuous" may protect against creatures with celestial or fey alignments, while selecting "the Unwell" may protect against creatures with fiend or undead alignments.

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