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Without an equality sign the given expressions are not equations and so finding the value of y is not possible

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Q: If 6y plus 434 what is the value of 5y-6?
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(A) x + 6y = 19 (B) -x + 6y = 17 (A)+(B): 12y = 36 so that y = 3 Substituting this value of y in (A), x + 18 = 19 so x = 1.

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It does nothing! 4x + 6y = 24 7x + 6y = 9 Subtracting the first equation from the second gives: 3x = - 15 so that x = -5 Substituting the value of x in the first equation gives -20 + 6y = 24 so that 6y = 44 and so y = 22/3 or 71/3

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Rearrange the equations in the form of:- 6x-6y = 17-11 -4x+6y = 21 6x-6y = 6 -4x+6y = 21 Add both equatios together in order to eliminate y: 2x = 27 Divide both sides by 2: x = 13.5 Substitute the value of x into the equations to find the value of y: x = 13.5 and y = 12.5

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The answer depends on the value of y. For example, when y = 0, 8y2 + 6y - 2 = -2 when y = 1, it is 12

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