There are 365 days in the normal year.
So that 365/5 = 73 'sets of five-day periods.
If every five-day period is somehow 'equal' to 7 hours, then 73 of them would be 'equal' to 511 hours total.
How many hours a year!
Depends on how many hours you work. Obviously not 365/24/7.
to answer this question somebody needs to know how many hours you work each year. There are 8760 hours in a year but you don't work every hour or do you ?
It depends on how many hours you work in a year!
It depends on how many hours you work
That depends on how many weeks are worked a year and how many hours a week. In a 50 week year at 40 hours a week it is 12 an hour In a 48 week year at 38 hours a week it is 13.57 an hour and so forth.
It depends on how many hours a week that you work in your job. So lets say that you work a standard 40 hour week, then you will work 2,080 hours in one year. So over the five year span you will have worked 10,400 hours.
How many hours a year!
8,760 Earth hours in one year.
1 hour
Depends on the time of year and place. When you are at the equator, the days are exactly 12 hours and the nights are exactly 12 hours.
Depends on how many hours you work. Obviously not 365/24/7.
to answer this question somebody needs to know how many hours you work each year. There are 8760 hours in a year but you don't work every hour or do you ?
The answer will depend on how many hours you work in a year.
It depends on how many hours you work in a year!
With a 40 hour week and no vacation you work 2080 hours a year.