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Q: If A Population Is A Sample Of The Population Could Be .tion could be .?
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Does 'population' have a suffix in it?

Yes, the suffix is tion

Words with tion?

Here are words with tion Dictionary connection projection population detention correction population concentration

Is a Population is a suffix or a prefix?


What is the suffix for turn?

You could add the suffix -ing to it to make the word turning.

What is a suffix or prefix for the word navigate?

A prefix for navigate could be "re-" as in "re-navigate" or "un-" as in "un-navigate." A suffix could be "-able" as in "navigable" or "-tion" as in "navigation."

Which stress syllable for population?

The primary stress is on the third syllable, and the secondary stress is on the first syllable:pop' u la' tion

What is the popula tion of tokio?

The population of Tokyo, Japan is 12,790,000 at the least.

What the suffix for populate?

The suffix for "populate" is "-tion", which forms the noun "population".

Is the word resolution a prefix or suffix?

Neither, a prefix comes at the beginning of a word and the suffix at the end; therefore a word could not be either but parts of it could in this word tion is a suffix and the base word would be resolute. Hope this helps:)

Does the word population has a prefix?

Population does not have a prefix. However, it contains a suffix (-tion).

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Where to get a H2O locket in New Zealand?

im not sure but the is a site called http://H2O/n-z/lock-et//informa-tion, visit it and i hope i could help (: